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Adviser pool continues to drain, losing 2% in 2013

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Financial adviser headcount fell by 1.9% in 2013 to 287,119 advisers, according to the most recent data from Cerulli Associates. The research firm estimates about 5,500 advisers left the industry and were not replaced by new recruits, even as assets under management grew by 13% that year to $14 trillion.

Add Millennial Clients Before They Get Wealthy

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Advisors know that millennial clients are where the market growth is. But the biggest growth market of all may be one often overlooked by RIAs: millennials with high earnings but who are not yet wealthy.

Beware Robos and Regulators, Custodians Warn

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Advisors will spend lots of time this year figuring out how to adapt to new technology and to potential changes in regulations, according to executives at major custodians and tech vendors.

Financial adviser moves set to pick up in 2015

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If the past is any indicator, adviser moves are likely to pick up steam in the first quarter, according to an analysis of InvestmentNews' Advisers on the Move database, which tracks teams of advisers and brokers changing firms.

Advisers find new ways to attract increasingly wealthy population — women

Added on January 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary; The nation's changing wealth demographics have encouraged many advisory firms over the past few years to strengthen their focus on women, who represent about 45% of U.S. millionaires and are on their way to becoming the majority.

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