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IRIS Featured Contributor: Kelli Cruz

Added on April 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: We find top performing firms have a disciplined approach to strategic planning that includes investing in technology that allows them to innovate and evolve their client service delivery as well as a human capital plan that can succeed beyond the first generation of own. 

3 Things Top-Performing RIA Firms Do: Fidelity

Added on April 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Fidelity’s 2014 RIA Benchmarking Study found that RIA firms that have a formal marketing and business development plan; write and share internally and externally a shared corporate story; and have a clearly defined referral process outperform their advisory firm peers in client growth, AUM and revenue.

Will Robo Advisors Complement or Cannibalize Your Business?

Added on April 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Nearly every speaker at SIFMA's Private Client Conference talked about it. Almost every panel was asked about it. What was the hottest topic this year? Robo advisors.

New Partnership Brings Client Segmentation to Fidelity RIAs

Added on April 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Fidelity Clearing and Custody announced a new partnership Wednesday with FirstPoint Financial, a subsidiary of Mariner Holdings that specializes in wealth management for emerging affluent investors, to help registered investment advisors profitably serve younger and less wealthy clients. 

Smaller Firms, Better Technology?

Added on April 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: As technology becomes more nimble, commoditized and cloud-based, smaller firms seem to have gained an edge when it comes to serving their advisors.

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