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Voices Forget glass ceilings, female advisers want to be judged for their successes

Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: I wanted the truth when I recently went asking female advisers about how they were treated in the wealth management business, and how they can assist other women in becoming financial advisers. I wondered, was it still the unspoken Mad Men style of the old boy’s network, or was that truly a thing of the past?

When "Outside of the Box" is Unproductive

Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Trying to be “outside of the box” makes you very un-creative and incredibly un-productive. Organizations love to say they are removing limits. Open floor plans, “matrix” organizations, and “thinking groups” are being implemented and pushed forward in an effort to drive collaboration, creativity and innovation

Pershing Adds Jemstep Robo-Advisor to NetX360

Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Invesco Ltd. announced this week that it will collaborate with Pershing to offer Jemstep Advisor Pro, the firm’s advisor-focused digital advice solution, to Pershing’s clients.  

Advisers concerned about the advice robos provide: CFA Institute

Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Echoing the concerns raised by various agencies regarding the use of robos and their ability to be fiduciaries, 47% of investment professionals responding to the CFA Institute’s newest FinTech Survey said the quality of financial advice could be hurt by expanded robo use and another 38% of respondents said they thought investors could see higher rates of fraud and misselling.

9 Advocates and Educators Shaping the Industry: The 2016 IA 25 Slideshow

Added on May 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The most influential people in our lives are the advocates and educators who speak on our behalf and teach us how to stand up to the challenges we face. Advisors fill that role for clients as they guide them through the various challenges of their lives: retirement planning, saving for children’s education, creating a legacy to hand down to children and other beneficiaries.

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