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How Robos Handled Brexit

Added on July 2016 in Other Ideas
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For the most part, the automated online advice firms known as robo advisors passed their first major market correction last August. But the volatility following the now infamous Brexit decision last week was more than a flash crash; it was based on a sociopolitical event that dominated the news cycle, rocked the global economy and could possibly lead toward a worldwide recession. Even if the overall dip wasn’t as drastic as the August 2015 volatility, emotions are high and investor anxiety is widespread

As Clients Go Digital Some FAs Aren't Keeping Up

Added on July 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: More than three-quarters of advisors say their clients are looking for more digital tools and channels in their relationships with financial firms, according to a recent survey by Accenture. But that same survey also found that only around half of advisors say their firm is doing enough to meet these client expectations. With so many options out there, adopting digital tools can be overwhelming, time-consuming and expensive. But it’s also what clients — particularly younger clients — want.

Honoring Advisors Who Serve(d): Fourth of July, 2016

Added on July 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: For Independence Day, ThinkAdvisor likes to dedicate at least a little space to an important group of financial advisors: military veterans. Not all stories by veterans are about hitting the beaches or dodging bullets; many are of the quiet moments before and after that action and over the course of many years of serving in the U.S. military.rs

Cybersecurity, Anti-Money Laundering Top RIAs' Compliance Worries: Poll

Added on June 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Just as registered investment advisors name adopting cybersecurity policies as their top compliance chore, RIAs rate anti-money laundering policies as their second biggest concern. 

Your ultimate summer reading list suggested from the industry

Added on June 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: It’s that time of the year again. With summer officially starting Monday, InvestmentNews has prepared a reading list for advisers comprising recommendations from some of your top peers. We asked for both professional and fun reads, with some insights into what makes these books so special.

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