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RIAs Continue to Gobble Up Wirehouses' Market Share: Cerulli

Added on September 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Global analytics firm Cerulli Associates projects that the independent registered investment advisor (RIA) and hybrid RIA channels combined will increase their asset market share from 23% in 2015 to 28% in 2020 – likely outpacing wirehouses.

2016: The Year of the Independent Advisory Firm

Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: With an increasing number of the best independent advisory practices growing into full-blown firms, Barron’s asked some key executives to put this moment in time in perspective. Here are their comments:

Where Can Advisors Find Valuable Health Care Advice?

Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: [VIDEO] Jamie Hopkins, Esq., MBA, RICP®, Co-Director of the New York Life Center for Retirement Income at The American College of Financial Services, joins Dr. Katy Votava, President and founder of health care consulting firm GOODCARE. The pair discuss how financial advisors can find resources for quality health care advice to recommend to their clients, including several websites that provide specialized Medicare consulting.

Big Data: Why It's Important and How It's Changing the Industry

Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: In the 2015 Advisor Authority Study conducted by Jefferson National and Harris Poll, we learned that the most successful advisors are truly tech-obsessed. Advisors who manage more assets and generate more revenue spend substantially more on technology and adopt technology into their practice at twice the rate of the average advisor.

What's next for Focus Financial?

Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The 10-year-old RIA aggregator — one of the advisory industry's largest— has confidentially filed an IPO that could value the company for as much as $1 billion, The Wall Street Journal reported.

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