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Top minds in financial advice share their resolutions for 2017

Added on January 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: InvestmentNews polled the 2016 Women to Watch awardees and some of the industry’s standout young professionals highlighted in our 40 Under 40 this year and asked them to report their 2017 resolutions, both in their professional and personal lives. Might you, also, resolve to …

Advisors: Are You Being Your Clients' OnStar?

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Instead of cars, advisors could diagnose their clients' financial wellness. There are a lot of warning signs – like a decrease in tire pressure – that could help investors prevent damage to their portfolios and long-term plans.

How financial advisers can get unstuck in the New Year

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Most financial advisers started their firm because they had a dream for a different life and a vision of how to get there. They're passionate, ambitious and committed to building their new venture.

Advisors, Don't Be Dichotomous Thinkers

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Pundits like to make fun of the tradition of New Year’s resolutions, pointing out all the failures to actually follow through on those resolutions. Yet Americans keep making them, year after year. According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, 45% of us usually make resolutions, but only 8% succeed in following them.

Voices 5 megatrends that are reshaping wealth management

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Wealth management is undergoing a dramatic transformation, driven by megatrends that are permanently altering the trajectory of a growing industry.

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