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What not to do when speaking to the media

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Media exposure can help your practice in a number of ways — it can improve credibility, provide free exposure and give you a solid voice in the profession. I’m very fortunate to have created a decent media presence over the years, through consistent and thoughtful work.


Tough Love: Integration Isn't a Differentiator Anymore

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: We’re hearing from advisors that integration is oversold and undelivered so often, they now think it’s simply lip service. They’ve been promised over and over again that a software solution will integrate with their custodian. But if the custodian hasn’t fully committed to developing seamless functionality or bi-directional data, the solution doesn’t work. If the advisor has to make the connections, the effort is doomed to fail.

Talent Development, Cybersecurity Are Top Advisor Concerns: IAA/Cerulli Poll

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Developing the next generation of talent and worries over cybersecurity are the top priorities for RIAs, according to a just-released Investment Adviser Association and Cerulli Associates poll.

Helping women get ahead in financial services

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: While the Financial Services Institute will always be laser-focused on our mission of advocacy on behalf of our members, we have also come to play another very important role: that of a think tank for the independent financial services community. As part of that crucial role, we realize we have a responsibility to help strengthen our community wherever we can, and help it prepare to thrive in the years ahead.

Getting the Most from an Off-Site Meeting

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The early months of a new year is a great time to review strategy and set goals for an advisory practice. These self-examinations can be integrated into regular workdays in the office, of course. But many advisors prefer to host them in off-site locations, which allow team members to step back physically and mentally from their day-to-day tasks.

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