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What financial advisers can learn from Amazon

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Recently my phone's storage chip malfunctioned. Unfortunately, I had a full afternoon of meetings and an early morning flight the next day. Thanks to Amazon, I had a new chip in my mailbox by the time I arrived home a couple of hours later that afternoon. How in the world can any electronics store carry enough inventory or be more convenient in giving me exactly what I need so easily?

SGA Guest Blog: Wes Stillman, RightSize Solutions on '5 Key Technology Questions for Every RIA'

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Just as you do for you clients, your responsibility in managing technology requires the ability to look at the past and plan for the future. We get organized. Perhaps we do the things we’ve been putting off, or start to address the symptoms we’ve been ignoring.

Will retainer fees replace the conventional AUM model?

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Rianka Dorsainvil launched her RIA, Your Greatest Contribution, two years ago with a retainer fee rather than prices based on clients’ assets under management. The $3,400 annual fee allows her more flexibility in choosing clients, she said, and it sends a direct upfront message.

How to Showcase Your Marketing Metrics

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Remember fifth-grade math class? All of the numerals felt infinite, and all of the equations felt like they were written by Archimedes. In a foreign language you did not speak. Probably cuneiform. Eventually, you would just give up and decide to throw erasers at your friends instead. This is the exact feeling you don’t want your audience to experience when they look at your marketing metrics.

The Value of a Seasonal Approach

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Many financial advisors reason that their high net worth clients prefer meeting only one or two times a year because the advisors have difficulty scheduling more frequent meetings with them. They are busy people, but in many cases, the reason for the reluctance is that the clients are not experiencing valuable results for the time expended.

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