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Much of 2013's Important News Arose From What Didn't Happen

Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Looking back over the past year in the independent advisory world reveals that sometimes the most important events are those that didn’t happen. Bob Clark, Editor-at-Large at Investment Advisor Magazine shares his list of key non-events for advisors in 2013.

10 New Year's Resolutions from Advisors

Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary:WealthManagement.com asked advisors to submit their resolutions for 2014. Some are business-related, some personal. Some of them may even provide inspiration that you can use for your own practice.

Wealthy Clients With Young Kids: What Advisors Should Know

Added on December 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Take note this year of how often your clients’ holiday cards feature their children as the focal point. Children — particularly those still living at home — play a key role in the determining the values, priorities and mindset of their parents.
In fact, wealthy investors with young children share a number of key characteristics, needs and values that set them apart from childless clients and even empty nesters.

Millennial Women More Interested in Finance, but Lack Confidence

Added on December 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Younger women are more interested in financial issues than their older counterparts, but lack to confidence to take action on those interests, according to a study from Allianz Life. As part of its 2013 Women, Power and Money Study, which was conducted in December 2012, Allianz released further data that focuses on the youngest respondents, those between 25 and 34.

How to Work Better With Couple Clients

Added on December 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Only 42% of couples who have advisors work with them jointly, according to a new Fidelity study  -- and that’s a problem, according to experts at the custodial operation. In the remaining 58% of couples, male partners manage the advisor relationship while their significant others don’t participate.

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