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15 Moves Advisors Should Make in 2015

Added on January 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The landscape for financial advisors is rapidly evolving, and it can be difficult to keep up. Now that a new year is at hand, it’s time to reevaluate your business and take a fresh approach to growing it. Here is my list of the 15 big business moves advisors should make in the new year.

Advisors: How Not to Get Fired

Added on December 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: If you want insight into how wealthy investors think — and how to keep them as clients — it would be hard to find a more informed source than Charlotte Beyer.

Age No Impediment to a Successful Succession Plan

Added on December 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: A 32-year age gap exists between the founder and outgoing CEO of an RIA firm and his successor. The story of this firm's succession plan began when the firm (with $1.4 billion in AUM) received an acquisition offer by a larger firm in another city. The offer was rejected, but it served as a catalyst for an honest discussion of “where do we go from here?”

What to Do When Your Financial Adviser Retires

Added on December 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Financial advisers as a group are aging and that means many of them are about to retire or transfer their practices to someone younger, just as doctors, dentists and other professionals do. But for clients who have worked with the same adviser for decades — and may be close to the adviser in age and outlook — the change could come just when they need that person the most: to help them financially manage their own retirement.

Preparing the Kids to Take Over the Practice

Added on December 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Some advisers aren’t looking very far to find a successor to their practices. They are counting on their sons and daughters to take over one day. There are benefits to having one of the kids as a successor: The business is left to someone with the same value system, clients may be happy to still work with someone from the same family and the adviser can feel pride in having a child carry on their legacy.

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