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Turning Rookie Advisors Into Rainmakers

Added on February 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Rookie advisors may have great personalities and a go-getter attitude, yet still fall short when it comes to bringing in new assets. To get them over the hump, advisor Andrew Ahrens has a formula. On the one hand, he spends considerable time working with the three new FAs at his Lafayette, La.-based practice, helping them build their professional networks. At the same time, he hands over some of his own clients to the newbies.

If You Can't Beat Robo-Advisors, Become One

Added on February 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Advisors must cringe now and then when contemplating an iPad-wielding young executive logging on to an online investment site, opening a new account and e-signing documents while the advisor is working hard the old-fashioned way, his business seemingly falling by the wayside.

How Access to Financing Affects Advisors Plans for Business Succession

Added on February 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Planning for an orderly business succession seems to be one of those professional best practices more honored in the breach than the observance, especially among financial advisors. Independent research shows that fewer than 40% of all advisors—including those affiliated advisors who count on their broker-dealers to provide a backup plan—have a succession plan.

What Got You Here Won't Get You There

Added on February 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Whether you’re a solo practitioner or a partner in an ensemble practice (or work for one), I suspect that business is good for you these days. That said, some in our field believe you’re going to be out of business within five years.

Three Key Steps for Forging a Buy-Sell Agreement When Transitioning to Independence

Added on February 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Recently, I had a disheartening conversation with a couple friends of an independent advisor who had tragically passed away unexpectedly. The advisor, a large producer with a lucrative book of business, had worked in the industry for decades and was an invaluable member of his firm.

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