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Banks Go Back to School for New Recruits

Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Most of us have recognized several important issues in our industry: The average advisor age is over 50, the advisor population continues to decline and many of the traditional training programs are not producing new advisors at a pace similar to the past.

Don't be left behind by robo revolution

Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: If you think the current battle between Schwab and the robos is just an amusing distraction, think again. If you don't adapt, you might become collateral damage to a battle that is just picking up steam.

Time to Hand Over Part of Your Biz? 5 Key Questions

Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Even very successful financial advisors can hit a wall at around $500 million in assets under management. Some simply find that there is not enough time to handle administrative and operations issues, manage client assets and spend time with clients and prospects.

Smarter, Easier Ways to Delegate

Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: To be an effective business owner, you must be willing to delegate and relinquish control. Even I admit it can be a scary proposition at times, but it’s a management strategy that will reward you and your team.

The big succession planning questions RIAs need to answer immediately

Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: As the saying goes, just when I knew all the answers, they changed all the questions. This is the situation facing the wealth management industry today. Fifteen years ago, all major firms were focused on an aging client population and developing programs to capture the tremendous wealth transfer that was about to take place. Next generation marketing programs were all the rage.


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