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Robo wars: How advisors are taking on cybercompetitors

Added on May 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The growth of low-cost robo-advisors has made one thing clear to financial industry analysts: Human advisors who provide little more than investment advice have their work cut out for them. 

Envestnet Launches 'Advisor Now' To Help Advisors Embrace Robo Technology

Added on May 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Envestnet Tamarac revealed its new digital advice portal, Advisor Now, at its Advisor Summit in Chicago, with the goal of strengthening the digital connection between independent advisors and their clients. 

Bob Veres Takes on Robos at the FPANJ

Added on May 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: As the keynote presenter of last week’s Financial Planning Association of New Jersey (FPANJ) annual conference, Bob Veres, publisher of Inside Information, cynically called his session “Terminator 4.”

Don't Wait for New Rules to Get a Succession Plan

Added on May 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: State and federal examiners increasingly expect advisors to have a business continuity and succession plan in place, even if they aren't bound by a specific rule mandating a formal policy.

Advisers slow to take up robo opportunity

Added on April 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: While initially seen as a competitor to advisers, many see the automated investment advice as a potential benefit for advisers in terms of helping them scale their practice and serve younger or mass affluent clients at a lower price.

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