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How to Maximize Your Firm's Value for the Long Term

Added on July 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: In the quest for success, the smart money has always gone to solid planning and forward-looking analysis.Consider politics: The presidential election is well over a year away, but candidates have been laying the groundwork for their campaigns for years, even decades.

3 Secrets to Landing Great Talent

Added on July 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Most, if not all wealth managers have heard the expression, "This is a people business." It's true; the business of providing financial advice and wealth management solutions is about people, and personal relationships may be the only element of our business that cannot be commoditized.

Marketing tips for the robo component of an adviser's practice

Added on July 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Advisers who add a robo-adviser platform to their practices may be ahead of the curve, but there's still more to be done — particularly marketing the robo to reach prospects and drive client acquisition.

How to Successfully Inherit Another Advisor's Book

Added on July 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary:  Inheriting a retiring advisor's book of clients is a quick way for advisors to boost their business, even double it. But don't underestimate the amount of work that goes into it, say advisors who have been through the process. It takes enormous patience and effort to get up to speed on so many new clients.

Let a Third Party be a "Change Agent" in Your Conflict

Added on July 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: If you have realized that your conflict with your partner isn’t going away, that self-awareness bodes well.  But you may be wondering, “we spent hours talking about our problem with little to no change, how is talking some more to a stranger going to help us?”

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