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Overworked and Clients Suffering? Hire a Manager

Added on November 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Many of the advisors we work with at my consulting firm come to us out of frustration that they have built the wrong organizational structure to support their firm. This often becomes a conversation about whether this is the right time to hire a professional manager to help run their business operations, freeing the advisor to spend more time with clients and to develop new client relationships.

5 Steps to Stepping Down From Your Firm

Added on October 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The pace of retiring advisors continues to accelerate, with almost 70,000 advisors with more than $2 trillion in assets under management retiring over the next decade, according to a new report from State Street Global Advisors.

Is the future for robo-advisors bright ... or a bust?

Added on October 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The growth of automated investment advice platforms — also known as robo-advisors — is a top theme of just about every conference in the advisory industry these days. What's more, pundits are debating whether it's the next big thing in investing.

Breaking Down NextGen Stereotypes: How to Plan and Recruit for Success

Added on October 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: While there is indeed a large generational wealth transfer in the works, that alone shouldn't be the only reason advisors want to work with Gen X and millennial clients.

Advisor Succession Planning: Better, But Still Not Too Hot

Added on October 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Owners of financial advisory firms seem to be dragging their heels when it comes time to plan for the future of their business after they have retired or died. According to a recent report from FA Insight, fewer than half (44%) of surveyed advisory firms said they have an adequate succession plan in place. Yet the share of firms with owners who are three years or less from retirement has more than doubled in the past four years.

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