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Why Ownership Is the Best Form of Compensation

Added on February 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Hoffman was ready to get out of the advisory business. To be sure, he had a good run — closing in on 30 years — and had built a nice, small-town business in Nevada, Mo.

Having a Partner is Not Necessarily a Viable Succession Plan

Added on February 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: When it comes to succession planning, one of the most common misconceptions we see is “I have a partner in the business. The future of my firm and clients is protected”.

Developing a Plug-and-Play Succession Plan

Added on February 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Given the large number of solo practitioners and silo practices that make up the planning universe, succession planning is typically a difficult problem. Replacing a seasoned sailor with a fresh recruit is replete with challenges and can carry a significant risk.

Which personality test will best help you hire the right candidate?

Added on February 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: For advisory firms, three favorites of Beverly Flaxington, principal at adviser coach The Collaborative, are the DISC, StrengthsFinder and Kolbe assessments. These, as well as the 16PF Questionnaire, the Caliper Profile and other personality tests, can help reveal what the interviewer can't see and won't hear from the interviewee.

Whitepaper: Rise of the NexGen Adviser

Added on February 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: New research from InvestmentNews and TD Ameritrade Institutional shows that an increasing number of firms are looking to add NextGen advisers in 2016 – and that there is a significant short-term impact when firms bring NextGen talent into their organizations. Most notably, firms that have NextGen advisers appear to be growing faster than firms that do not - and are ultimately more successful in increasing revenues and improving profitability. 

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