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Pre-Robo Checklist: What to Do Before You Mechanize

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Everybody is going digital. It doesn’t matter if it’s books, music, movies, the DMV, or home loans—the movement is to take everything online and do away with paper and increase automation.

The value of planning for now

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The very nature of the word planning connotes preparing for a future. As planners, we evaluate current spending and saving, provide a variety of return assumptions based on past history, and confidently tell people how much they need to save so they can retire at a certain age. It sounds so pretty and straightforward. But is it the right thing for clients?

Houston floods: How you can plan for disaster

Added on April 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The recent flooding in Houston that has damaged at least 1,000 homes highlights the need for a disaster recovery plan for your critical documents.

What are the Keys to a Successful Family Business Succession?

Added on April 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: When it is time to get serious about getting serious about your business succession, you could do not better than follow the advice in a Smart Business article on the subject. Your family, key employees, and everyone else who interacts with your business are all looking to you ... to make sure it survives without you. ​

High schoolers to test whether they're smarter than a financial adviser

Added on April 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: About 100 high school students will learn firsthand what life as an adviser is like this summer through an industry program aimed at showing them that financial planning is very different than what they see in movies like "The Wolf of Wall Street."

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