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The New Challenge for RIAs: To Re-Differentiate Themselves

Added on October 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Twenty years ago, registered investment advisors could capitalize on being fiduciaries; that was their differentiating factor. Unlike those advisors at the wirehouses, RIAs had to serve their clients’ best interests.

The 15 Best Conferences For Financial Advisors To Choose From In 2017

Added on October 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The reality is that for a successful advisory firm, you really just need one good takeaway from a conference to take home and have a material impact on the business that makes the trip more than worthwhile.

$1B FAs Break Away to Chart Own Succession Identity

Added on October 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: After 22 years with Arnerich Massena in Portland, Ore., advisor Sheree Arntson left earlier this month to start Allium Financial Advisors. Her team, which includes one other advisor, managed about $1 billion at Arnerich Massena. The new firm has hired Portland-based Tru Independence for back-, mid- and front-office support.

Should I … hire another planner?

Added on October 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: It took almost two years for Gretchen Stangier, president of Stangier Wealth Management in Portland, Oregon, to find the right hire. But, she says, the effort has paid off in flexibility, the option of taking on clients with lower minimums, business continuity and a built-in sales plan when she’s ready to retire.

Revitalizing a diminishing adviser force

Added on October 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: There are 40,000 fewer advisers across all channels of the industry than there were in 2008 and more CFPs are over the age of 70 than under the age of 30, Pershing Advisor Solutions CEO Mark Tibergien said at NAPFA's Fall Conference.

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