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5 Sink-or-Swim Metrics for RIAs in 2017

Added on November 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Many industry benchmarking studies are reporting that profitability has been falling in most independent advisory firms over the past two years. While there are a number of possible reasons for this, in my work with independent firms, I’ve found there are really only a few reasons. One is technology. Or perhaps more accurately, it's the failure of many advisory firm owners to efficiently integrate the flood of new technology into their businesses.

Best new compensation plans for advisers

Added on November 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Compensation makes up the single largest cost for RIAs, according Schwab’s most-recent RIA Benchmarking Study, yet many firms do not have a well-defined incentive package in place to reward and retain talent.

Succession Planning: What the Research Says

Added on November 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: All CEOs will inevitably leave office, yet research has long shown that most organizations are ill-prepared to replace them. In this article, we review the most salient studies of succession planning and offer context from experts on the process of picking new leaders for organizations.

AUM Grows Faster for Advisors Who Leverage Tech

Added on November 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Technology has had a tremendous impact on a number of different industries, and financial services is no exception. According to a recent study by RIA in a Box, advisors that use at least two technology solutions grew assets faster in 2015 than those that used none or just one.


Buy-sell agreements for effective succession

Added on November 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: One key to succession planning is a buy-sell agreement that protects the firm’s principals, their loved ones, clients and employees.

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