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Voices How changes to the fiduciary rule could prompt adviser movement

Added on August 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Recruiting has been relatively quiet this year – a function, in part, of a major piece of uncertainty. No one is quite sure how regulators will ultimately expect financial advisers to implement the fiduciary rule in their practices. Advisers can't make strategic business decisions if they don't know what the rules of the game are.

7 Ways Business Owners Can Secure Their Exit Strategy

Added on July 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Nothing raises anxiety more than uncertainty, and business owners are constantly up against the unknown. Market changes, comprehensive tax reform, personal developments—any number of events could dramatically change the way business owners operate their business and their decision-making, particularly when it comes to their exit strategy.

Stuck Without a Succession Plan

Added on July 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Things have been very difficult at our advisory firm since one of the partners announced his intention to retire. I’ve read a great deal about succession planning and I can honestly say, we don’t have one...

How to Grow Your Practice Like a Booming Winery

Added on July 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: They all have wines but some are boutiques and have highly defined niches with limited production while others like Robert Mondavi specialize in the lower end wines for the masses. As a financial advisor you have to decide your focus and niche.

Few RIAs have internships, TD Ameritrade study shows

Added on July 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Just a third of RIAs hire interns for the summer or other parts of the year, the nation’s third largest custodian found in a study released Tuesday. RIAs are thriving, but their lack of succession planning places $5.8 trillion in assets at risk, notes Kate Healy, who leads the firm’s Generation Next program.

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