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A Procrastinators Guide to Marketing: 6 Steps to Get You Started

Added on February 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: We’re well into the New Year and your marketing is in full swing, right?  Not quite the case?  Well you’re not alone.  An FA Insight study of advisory firms found “only 50 percent of surveyed firms developed an annual marketing plan and just 32 percent of these firms had a position dedicated to marketing or new client growth.”

The Most Important FinTech Trend to Capitalize On in 2017

Added on February 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Recent financial technology initiatives for wealth managers have focused on transparent and efficient delivery of information. While data aggregation and reporting were previously pain points, today they are essentials.  

Flight-Check Your Cloud Tech: 7 Cybersecurity Questions to Ask Your Vendor

Added on February 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Every week seems to bring another story of email theft. The attacks are relentless, striking corporations, government agencies and political groups. 

RIAs Are in Margin Compression Survival Mode

Added on February 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Do you really believe that you provide value for your clients? Let me ask again from a different, more important perspective. Do you really believe that your clients believe you provide value?

RIAs without a succession plan should take these steps immediately

Added on February 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: For financial advisers, developing a serious and specific business succession plan is not easy. But what's more difficult is the challenge clients face if their adviser doesn't have one.

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