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As digital advice evolves, two pioneers shift roles

Added on April 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The changes for two pioneers of the digital advice space come as the sector matures; major banks and wirehouses are ramping up their own digital advice offerings, and a preference for hybrid robo advice has emerged.

How RIAs are fighting the 'war for talent'

Added on April 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: To be sure, client assets and revenue are the lifeblood of the financial advisory business, and advisers who can boost those metrics for their firms continue to be rewarded considerably beyond their base salary.

How Advisors Should Respond to Fee Challenges by Clients

Added on April 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Have you ever noticed that products you buy repeatedly—paper towels, toothpaste, running shoes, etc.—often start out great, but over time, the high quality that you liked so much starts to decline? My theory is that businesses, especially big businesses, are under constant pressure to increase profitability; an easy way to do that is to reduce costs.

Addressing the shortage of millennial financial advisors

Added on March 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: As many financial advisors approach retirement age, the wealth management industry is searching for ways to draw more young people into the profession.

How to attract the next wave of clients

Added on March 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: This was before my time, but they tell me that cold calling was once a very effective marketing strategy — until, of course, it wasn’t. I remember when advisory firms routinely attracted dozens and sometimes hundreds of prospects to cheesy prepackaged seminars, until attendance gradually began to slip away.

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