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Consumer Groups Ask Finra To Increase Arbitration Transparency

Added on January 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: In a joint letter to the Finra Dispute Resolution Task Force sent Wednesday, the groups asked the task force to release information gathered in mandated arbitration disputes and information about the dispute process. The arbitration hearings are frequently the result of complaints filed by investors against advisors, brokers, advisory firms or broker-dealer firms.

SEC Budget Boost Not Enough for Advisor Exams: Investor Advocate

Added on January 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Insufficient advisor exams, tax-free exchanges of variable annuities, binary options and reverse churning of clients with wrap fee accounts are among the top concerns the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Investor Advocate has in the new year.

How Advisors Can Secure Financing

Added on December 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Here’s how not to impress a banker if you’re a financial advisor seeking capital to build your business:Don’t say your plan is to acquire another advisory firm whose clients are paying a 1% asset management fee and you’ll now double your revenue by charging them the 2% fee you’re charging your clients.

More Advisor Audits Needed—Only Not From SEC

Added on December 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The SEC’s examinations of independent advisors have become as rare as they are dreaded, thus adding potentially unfair pressure to the few who are scrutinized while disserving the public by letting most advisors go unaudited.

Top Due Diligence Questions for Finding the Right Hybrid RIA Platform

Added on December 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: One of the major themes in the independent financial advisory space in recent years has been the explosive growth of the hybrid Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firm, a model in which advisors operate their own RIA firm for fee-based business, and simultaneously leverage a broker-dealer for commission-based products.  

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