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The Gurus' Financial Guru

Added on August 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Two years ago, when Ajay Gupta left UBS to start his own independent wealth management firm in San Diego, he wasn’t sure if anyone was coming with him. But it wasn’t the first time Gupta took a risk in stepping out on his own: Fifteen years ago, he abandoned his advisory practice in Canada to start anew in San Diego. Today, he is CEO and CIO of Gupta Wealth Management, an RIA that recently surpassed $1 billion in assets under management.


5 Myths and Realities of Becoming an Independent RIA

Added on August 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: While becoming a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) is an excellent way to deliver a differentiated experience to your clients, and potentially accelerate the growth of your business—building assets in your own firm and creating enterprise value from day one, it is also a big step.

Custodians try to entice breakaways with substantial perks

Added on August 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: As larger teams move into the registered investment adviser channel, the major custodians are getting more creative and adding some sweeteners to entice big breakaway outfits.

The Unglamorous Truth About My First Year of Business

Added on August 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: There’s no question that running your own business is fulfilling. You’ve seen the glamorous Instagram photos of sandy feet and laptops by the ocean, and the Facebook posts exclaiming (literally exclaiming, with five exclamation marks, minimum), “I love my job!!!!!”

How to launch a financial advice firm in five easy steps

Added on August 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Since 2007, only one segment of the wealth management industry has boosted its market share every year: independent advisory firms. According to an estimate by Boston Consulting Group, $46 trillion in private wealth is up for grabs in the U.S.

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