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Shining a Bright Light on the High Costs of Breaking Away

Added on September 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: There is always a dark side to success.  The RIA market has been booming for years, consistently taking assets away from the traditional bank/wirehouse community, and now manages nearly $3 trillion in assets.

Leaving the nest: The risks and rewards of going solo

Added on September 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The most common concerns are the ability to convert clients and overall financial uncertainty. However, if advisers identify the clients who are most reachable and profitable, along with creating a differentiator to separate themselves from other firms and independent advisers, the overall goal of flying solo is attainable.

The solo route can mean hardship

Added on September 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Leaving a financial advisory firm to strike out on one’s own may sound alluring, no bosses micromanaging, no useless meetings eating up time and no corporate constraints on the advice given to clients.

Will Advisors Turn to Tech for DOL Compliance?

Added on September 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: According to a recent survey conducted by WealthManagement.com and Advicent, half of advisors expect the ruling will force them to change their policies and procedures, complicate compliance and create more paperwork. 

Trone, Swisher to Craft ARA, Morningstar Fiduciary Education Program

Added on August 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The American Retirement Association announced Tuesday that it has picked fiduciary experts Don Trone, CEO of 3ethos, and Peter Swisher, senior vice president, National Sales at Pentegra Retirement Services to help develop ARA’s fiduciary education and best practices program for advisors.

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