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Educational Offerings Aim To Prepare Advisors For DOL Rule

Added on October 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: There’s no time like the present to prepare for an approaching regulatory sea change—something advisors should keep in mind as they get ready for implementation of the DOL fiduciary rule.

Independent Advisors and Firms: The Key to Success is a Regulatory World Partner

Added on October 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The Broker Disclosure Rule and DOL Fiduciary Rule – coming this November and next April respectively – are perceived by many as game changers in the financial advisory space. Much has been written about the specifics and impact of each, so I won’t repeat them here (see our prior blog posts: The New Golden Rule for Advisors on the Move and In the Eye of the DOL Storm).

SEC brings record number of enforcement actions against advisers

Added on October 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The SEC brought a record number of enforcement actions over the past year, setting all-time highs for cases brought against investment advisers and investment companies, the agency announced this week.

How to Manage Your Company's Security Policy

Added on October 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The biggest stumbling block for registered investment advisors when it comes to guarding against cybersecurity breaches is not technology-based, it’s a people problem. The right technology is critical, but RIA leaders face a bigger challenge in fostering a cybersecurity-sensitive culture in a way that resonates throughout all levels of their firms and is much more than a simple policy handout.

Voices 5 key questions to ask before launching an RIA

Added on October 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Launching an RIA can seem like a daunting task for some advisers. It’s not really just a single major business decision but a barrage of choices that are each equally important in creating a successful enterprise. It can overwhelm the underprepared.

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