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Recruiters to Advisors: Cut Your Best Deal Now

Added on February 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: It shouldn't surprise anyone that if you put nine top recruiters in a room to discuss the state of the wealth advisor industry, they would come down on the side of now would be an excellent time for many of those advisors to make a move. But over the course of the day-long discussions that comprised On Wall Street's 2014 Recruiter's Roundtable, it became clear that their reasons were far from self-serving.

5 Ways To Better Prepare Students For The Business World

Added on January 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: In a new survey commissioned by Bentley University, 58% of respondents, including business decision makers, recruiters, and students, gave recent college graduates a letter grade of “C” or lower on their preparedness for their first jobs.Bentley’s research informed the following recommendations for better preparing students to succeed in the work place. 

10 Best Jobs in Business: 2014

Added on January 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: If you’re a financial advisor, or looking to become one, there’s good news on how this occupation stacks up against other jobs in the business world, according to U.S. News’ most recent Best Jobs rankings. The rankings found that the financial advisory profession has one of the lowest unemployment rates and one of the highest job growth rates around.

Financial advice business grapples with diversity challenges

Added on January 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: While America is only decades away from becoming a minority-majority country, the financial planning industry is still stuck with demographics that are eerily reminiscent of a 1950s sitcom. At 76% male, the industry claims only a slightly higher proportion of women than in police jobs nationwide, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Young people don't fare well either, with more than half of planners topping 50.

Best and worst states for college grads

Added on January 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Recent graduates may want to consider a move to the midwest if they’re looking to get a job. The most recent Fullbridge Program index of College Graduate Employment shows many of those states are the least competitive for getting a job, while the nation’s capital remains the toughest spot to find work.

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