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The Top 10 States With the Most RIAs

Added on August 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Almost a third of all 11,472 SEC-registered RIAs are concentrated in New York and California, which has several secondary financial hubs in the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Young advisers want a future, not handouts

Added on July 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Eric Roberge dedicated three years to helping an adviser develop a business he expected to take over one day. He quit, though, when the adviser offered him a handshake promise instead of a written succession plan that spelled out his future with the firm.

For 3 Financial Planning Students, Here's What the Industry Looks Like

Added on July 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: In its efforts to raise awareness, TDAI has awarded its third annual NextGen Financial Planning Grants and Scholarships: a $50,000 grant to the University of North Texas to expand an existing financial planning degree program; a $25,000 grant to Temple University in Philadelphia to help develop a new program; and 14 $5,000 scholarships to students across a variety of universities.

Financial Illiteracy: The Local Solution

Added on July 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Pershing Advisor Solutions’ CEO Mark Tibergien was an early and vocal proponent of the serious industry need to attract and retain younger advisors to replace departing (and dying) advisors, citing data that since 2008 there are 50,000 fewer professionals in the industry.

The Price of Independence

Added on June 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Semantics are important. When referring to oneself as an independent advisor, do you mean you are an independent business owner, independent in your ability to select technology and platforms, independent in your ideas and recommendations to clients, or independent from direct supervision.

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