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Why I Became a Financial Advisor

Added on August 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: People often ask me why I became a financial advisor and fiduciary. My answer usually surprises them.

Recruiting Speeds Up

Added on August 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Many advisors have been evaluating their broker-dealer relationships in light of the new requirements the DOL will impose. Big firms like LPL Financial and Raymond James are changing their payout formulas in response to the rule and others are likely to follow

TD Ameritrade Introduces 'Generation Next'

Added on July 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: TD’s NextGen initiatives provide opportunities for scholarships and grants, a career exchange and an internship network. The demand for independent financial advice is growing, but the industry must confront an impending talent shortage

Voices Is your job a calling? Explaining the breakaway movement

Added on July 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Most people would love to have a calling, and the financial planning profession readily fits the bill for many. Advisers have an opportunity to make a significant difference in clients' lives and this can be emotionally rewarding. Financial services firms that focus on actually helping people while making a decent profit can create an incredible work culture . Yet in recent years, there has been a large cadre of advisers leaving the wirehouse and broker-dealer world and going to independent RIAs.

Interns will take on several roles at advisory firms this summer

Added on June 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Tens of thousands of college students will be toiling away this summer at financial advice internships around the nation, taking on projects like exploring new software and helping firms go paperless to planning office celebrations and client events.

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