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Voices How not to blow a home office visit

Added on July 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary:  Behind the scenes, they’ve been called ‘the dog and pony show,’ in addition to being called the VIP meeting they actually are. The home office visit is oftentimes the clincher that pulls an adviser seriously considering a move over the finish line.

Does LPL have what it takes to recruit new advisers?

Added on June 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Bill Morrissey, LPL's chief recruiter, argues that the IBD is well positioned to capitalize from the new Department of Labor fiduciary rule. For one, the rule is expected to accelerate consolidation and push advisers to new homes.

Mentors: Be approachable with colleagues as much as clients

Added on June 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Demographic shifts are creating the perfect storm in the advisory business: more financial planners are leaving the industry just as technological and regulatory changes are creating a need for a flexible, highly-skilled and diverse workforce. That’s created an opportunity for long-time professionals and those entering the industry more recently to form mentoring relationships with one another.

Schwab Ad Campaign Champions Indie RIAs

Added on June 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Charles Schwab has launched a print and digital ad campaign designed to “educate” investors on the difference between so-called “traditional advisors” and registered investment advisors, Marketing Daily writes.

Breakaway Advisors Seek Brand Dominance Amid Crowded Industry

Added on June 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: It's no secret wirehouse advisors are exiting, and exiting fast. With a new era of investing upon us predicated on unpredictable volatility and tightening from the Department of Labor (DOL) with an embrace of fiduciary responsibility, investors are seeking a new breed of products and advice. Trusted advisors who can source a tailored financial plan with the investor’s best interest in mind, not simply push a product, but instead be a holistic solutions provider, will rise to the forefront.

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