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Kitces: Can getting a CFP mark boost income?

Added on September 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Driven by consumers’ rising demand for financial planning advice, the number of CFP certificants recently crossed 75,000 — more than doubling since 2000 — even as the total number of financial advisers has declined over that time period. Indeed, the desire for advisers who can provide financial advice beyond just picking products or portfolios is so strong, that getting the CFP mark is starting to pay real dividends.

Is the transition to independence worth it?

Added on September 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Dale Cebert has gone from advising as an independent registered investment adviser to a massive wirehouse and back again to the independent world, and he is eager to talk up the virtues of both models.

How to retain clients after changing firms

Added on September 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Culturally modifying the French axiom to the American way, the updated version might be, “The more advisers change firms, the more advisers face lawsuits.” Nevertheless, many advisers think that the potential future rewards justify the risks.

Tough choice when going independent: RIA or BD affiliate?

Added on September 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Advisers who are striking out on their own need to decide whether to be a registered investment adviser or affiliated with a broker-dealer.

Number of Active CFP Professionals Reaches All-Time High

Added on September 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) announced on Tuesday that there are more than 75,000 active CFP professionals, which marks the “highest number of CFP professionals ever,” according to the announcement.

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