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The Kids in the Hall and Networking Events

Added on May 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary:  I’ve always found ‘networking events’ are valuable on many levels for advisors, more than just the obvious one of business development. Here are four tips to help you make the most of your next networking event experience.

When Do You Work?

Added on May 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Those working in business and finance industries rarely put in official time outside the conventional work hours, according to NPR’s interactive graph that utilizes data from the American Time Use Survey to track how people spend their days. The data shows the financial and business industries have one of the highest concentrations of employees working between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., with a significant portion taking the lunch hour very seriously

Top Risks Faced By Solo-Advisor Practices

Added on May 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Despite the attention given to the fiduciary standard and robo-advisors, there remains another trend that has not been as widely covered but is changing wealth management: the demise of sole-practitioner advisors.

Hillary Clinton and the Wealth Manager Conundrum

Added on May 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Hillary and wealth managers have an urgent need to engage with new constituents by answering basic questions about who they are and how they can help.

Advisers shift away from AUM fees to better serve clients

Added on May 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Fee-only financial planners are shifting away from charging clients based on a percentage of assets in search of models that are free of conflicts, allow them to serve more clients and pay them for the work they do, not market performance.

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