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More advisers are gaining new clients through social media

Added on September 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary:Advisers who use social media say that they see a good chance of attracting new clients via their presence on various digital platforms, studies have shown.

Health Care Consultants Turn to RIAs for Business

Added on September 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Profiting from partnerships with wirehouses, boutique health care consultants are now seeking to expand their services into the independent advisor space.

Advisers Gain Business Through Social Media

Added on September 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: More advisers are using social media and winning business because of it. An annual survey from Putnam Investments found that 81% of financial advisers use social media for business, up from 75% last year. The share of advisers acquiring clients through social media jumped to 79% from 66% in 2014, the survey says.

Why Stronger CPA Ties Boost Profits

Added on September 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Far too many financial advisors and accountants see each other as neighbors who visit every once in a while, when they should see the professions as siblings who take care of each other. Advisors plan for the client’s future, while accountants consult on the client’s past. Not only must these distinct fields work together for the client’s best interests, but doing so can also make both practices more profitable.

Advisors: If Only Managing Technology Were This Easy …

Added on September 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Merge your technology plan with your business plan – Many firms develop a plan or ideas to add value to their current business model, and then think about technology later in the process. Define upfront how technology should be used to support your ideas.

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