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The 4 Pillars of Successful Client Events

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Certainly one of the most prevalent ways to thank your clientele for their business and promote new business opportunities for your practice is to host the ever-popular client appreciation event.

Adviser's Consultant: Better time management can require financial outlay

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial adviser Dewey Engelsma perfected his time-management skills by investing in technology and parceling out his day.

Technology Works Best When Combined With Human Intelligence

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The rise of so-called "robo advisors" remains a key concern for financial advisors, and understandably so. But in a positive development, many traditional advisors no longer fear that robo advisors will put them out of business. Instead, they are eager to incorporate the technology solutions underpinning robo advisory offerings—which provide a convenient, customizable experience where investors are in control—into their own practices.

Public Relations 101: Wire Services

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Now that we’ve uncovered if your story is newsworthy we now want to discuss the different ways in which you can disseminate your news. Depending on your release topic and your PR goals you may be asking yourself, “why should I pay $150 a release to have my content distributed to outlets that will never even pick it up?”

'A Workplace of 'Faster' Doesn't Always Translate to 'Better'

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Managing the Two-Minute Workplace Culture: Why Advisory Firms Should Move from a Culture of “Let’s Get It Done Now” to “Let’s Get It Done Correctly”

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