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Here's the price advisers pay for ignoring boring email archives

Added on November 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Email and electronic records archiving seems dull, but better record-keeping habits could save many firms a pretty penny. Regulators already have reprimanded firms about archiving emails, but social media posts and other electronic records are raising more compliance headaches for financial advisers — and may possibly become a source of more violations.

Boosting Your 'Curb Appeal' for a Better Practice

Added on November 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisors too can learn from their so-called "curb appeal," which can provide especially useful insights for optimizing the way they run their practice. They should also keep in mind that the end result of seeking greater efficiency is to boost their business.

Advisers using the wrong words on websites to attract new clients

Added on November 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Most financial advisers are sending out the wrong message in communications with clients and prospects, and that may be preventing them from getting the attention they deserve.

5 Important Facts for Successful Branding

Added on November 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: If you’re an advisor who’s aggressive about carving out your fair share of the market, you’ve got to be skilled in “hand-to-hand combat.” In other words, you need to successfully articulate the uniqueness of your brand and be able to position it against the competition. The good news is that the competitive universe is usually limited to a small group in your geographic area.

How Community Involvement Best Helps Advisors

Added on November 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisors can benefit themselves and others by getting involved in their communities – if they go about it the right way.

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