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CRM software is old-school but still a trouble spot for many advisers

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Customer relationship management software is not considered cutting-edge by many financial advisers, but it remains a stumbling block that leads to trouble with work flows.

These Advisor Technology Trends Will Surprise You

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Three years doesn’t seem like a long time. But the wealth management industry has experienced a number of technological innovations in that period, from the development of new software tools for advisors to the rise of automated advice platforms. 

Turn Change Into Opportunity

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Life is change. Outwardly, every day is a new experience; even if you do take the same route to work there are different cars and different drivers and your view might be different. Inwardly, we know that our bodies are changing (link is external), too. Change is happening outside us and within us all of the time. By the time you finish reading this article, you may not feel like the same person who started reading it! 

RIAs and the Pricing Paradox

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Profits are falling for many advisors because they’re charging too little for their services. To compete today and tomorrow, advisors will have to learn how to market their high-end services

Move Your Brand into the 21st Century

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: In the not-too-distant past, a financial advisor's brand identity was expressed in features such as a strong logo and brochure. In this competitive marketplace, a strong identity must also include a robust and engaging digital presence.


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