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RIA Alert: The "F" word that will crush your business is here

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Now, some in the business think the biggest “F” word to impact their business is the fiduciary rule announced by the Department of Labor last month. But I contend another “F” word will make engaging current clients and attracting new ones more difficult than ever: fragmentation.

There's No Better Opening Than This When Asking for Help

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Everyone loves to be helpful. Because of this, you have a great opportunity to learn more about your prospects and clients if you learn how to ask the right questions at the right times.

A System to Establish Good Habits

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: James Clear, entrepreneur and weightlifter, said as much in his session on breaking bad habits and developing better ones at FPA Retreat 2016. Building better habits, Clear said, will serve both you and your clients, and it starts with changing the way you do things.

Building an Estate-Planning Team

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: A couple of decades ago, estate-planning attorneys might have gotten by with a legal assistant or two. Today, you may need an army to provide excellent client service. I prefer to call my colleagues and assistants our estate-planning “team”.

Niche Focus Can Bring Efficiency, Effectiveness and Profitability

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Niche markets for advisors are much more than just a tactic promulgated by marketing consultants. While competition from increasingly large numbers of advisors make niche marketing an attractive client acquisition strategy, advisors who work in niches say that having a market focus also makes them more effective, efficient and profitable.

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