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'This is not going to work': Screening out problematic clients

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When a client proves to be a poor fit for a planning practice, a smart planner lets that client go. An even smarter planner screens potential clients before committing.

6 Cyber-Threats for Financial Firms in 2017: Cisco

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial services firms in particular are “lucrative targets for online criminals,” according to Cisco’s 2017 Midyear Cybersecurity Report. Malware authors are specifically targeting financial firms with malware like Dridex and the Zeus Trojan, according to the report.

Who's responsible for cybersecurity: The adviser or the firm?

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Q: All we keep hearing about at my firm is “cybersecurity.” I get what I’m supposed to do: Don’t click on strange links in e-mails. Watch out for phishing attempts. Verify distribution requests with my clients verbally. Beyond that, isn’t it the firm’s responsibility to make sure its systems are buttoned up? ​ 

Tech Planning Timeline for Your Breakaway RIA

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When an advisor decides start to an independent RIA firm, it is time to think about technology. Technology isn't usually top-of-mind for breakaways, but there are a myriad of decisions to make far in advance of turning on the lights in the new firm. To help navigate this transition, here's a short primer on what to consider and when during the three phases of the breakaway lifecycle.

How Cyber Bad Guys Target the Wealthy

Added on July 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: [Podcast] With cyber-crime on the rise, the wealthy remain a prime target for hackers. K2 Intelligence's Jordan Arnold breaks down the key things to consider when trying to stay safe. 

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