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Why Robo-Advisors Will Have Issues Maintaining the Trust of Their User Base

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Robo-only advisors have recently been very successful at raising new capital and focusing their resources on winning over millennials. Therefore, we find it timely to discuss the client’s historical need of a financial adviser

When Your Broker-Dealer Faces Crisis: Top Four Steps for Independent Advisors

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Over the last two years in particular, we have witnessed a series of events that have been highly disruptive to a number of retail broker-dealers

Financial advisers push boundaries of social media

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: RIA firms like Beacon, as well as larger wirehouses such as Wells Fargo and Morgan Stanley, are seeking to harness the power of social media more than ever before while treading carefully to keep within regulatory requirements. It's a way for advisers to stay on top of any professional and personal developments in their clients' lives that may require special financial attention.

Digital advice leaders tell financial industry to get 'hyperpersonal'

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Bill Harris, founder and CEO of Personal Capital, shares his view of the role robos will play in the adviser space ten years from now. Personalization - hat was the buzzword echoed by three top executives of leading robo firms at SourceMedia’s annual In|Vest conference in New York.

Robo surprise: What we didn't see coming

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Increasingly, research suggests the wealthiest are interested in digital wealth management, and that advisers quickest to adopt digital advice tools into their practice are getting an edge over non-digital competitors.

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