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Watch your tongue: Terms that help—and hurt—the planning profession

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The words we use to describe ourselves can give us a wind at our backs, or they can generate a wind in our faces. This especially applies to the financial planning sector, in part because the profession has yet to define itself in the public mind with crystal clarity.

Traditional FAs Miss Out by Ignoring Less Wealthy

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: American consumers are increasingly using financial advisors but many traditional wealth management businesses leave out the less affluent at their own peril, according to a recent report.

What Owner-Advisors Need to Know About Consultants

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Like most advisory firm owners and business consultants today, when I started my consulting business 15 years ago I thought business consulting was an ongoing process: with the consultant serving as an “off the books” member of the executive team, working to grow a successful advisory business. I even described my services as a “virtual CEO or COO,” or some fancy name that I care not to remember.

Finding the perfect client fit

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When you work with a smorgasbord of client types — with different financial situations and goals — you need multiple service models. Different clients may receive different and better (or worse) service than others. Juggling the many disparate needs of these clients can quickly leave you feeling stressed, overworked and burned out.

Voices You already have all the tools to beat robos. Get started.

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Sumnmary: When meeting with advisers in their offices, I often hear, “The average age of our client base is 67 years old. We know the statistics — 90% of children fire their parent’s adviser. We are scared to death that we will lose the next generation. We need to offer a robo solution because these kids have grown up in the digital age!”

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