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You Aren't Paranoid, Hackers Really Are Out to Get You

Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Everybody’s talking about cybercrime, and the hacks and thefts at giant organizations. In all likelihood, you know someone who’s been affected by hacks at a major retailer, for instance. As an independent financial advisor, you may think you’re too small a fish to be a target. But that is far from the case: According to the 2016 Internet Security Threat Report, Symantec’s annual analysis of cybercrime, attacks against small businesses are rising rapidly, with 43% of attacks targeted at small firms [defined as fewer than 250 employees] in 2015.

Outsourcing or Not: How You Spend Your Time

Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: How do you spend your time to make your firm successful and you happy (two of your bigger rocks)? If you are in a young firm, your time management is essential to your success. You must build that book of business. You must find clients. If you don’t, the business will not last. The stakes are high.

Voices Should you create a dedicated ops department?

Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Operations departments are the first line of defense in the financial services industry — they ensure that client portfolios are properly managed, traded and kept secure day in and day out. Yet when the ops side of the business is doing its job well, clients may not even realize the function exists.

How to Fill Your Advisor Blog with Great Financial Content

Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The right content is critical to creating trust, influence, and inspiring new business opportunities. In my experience, it’s taken over as the key online marketing strategy. Yet, so many advisors lack the ability and resources to pull it off. Let alone well enough to achieve the results they want and expect.

Who Do You Love: Employees or Clients?

Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Most advisory firms operate with a “client-first” strategy, meaning that pleasing clients comes before everything else. While serving clients with great care and attention defines your firm's mission, the health of your enterprise depends on employees. Without them, you would not have the capacity to grow, the ability to deliver an exceptional client experience or, in some cases, the technical qualifications to perform vital functions.

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