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The Death Of Referrals And The Future Of Business Development For Financial Advisors

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: In the latest Investment News 2016 Financial Performance benchmarking study, a stunning new trend has emerged when it comes to growing an advisory firm: for the first time, non-referral business development is now driving materially more AUM growth than all client and professional referrals, combined.

10 financial phrases to ban — and what to say instead

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Words advisers use to describe investments, markets and even themselves can put clients in the wrong frame of mind. For instance, many investors become furious when their savings are called a “nest egg,” said Gary DeMoss, director of Invesco Consulting, at a National Association of State Treasurers meeting in New Orleans on Thursday.

Voices Build it or buy it? Figuring out the best fintech option

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I spend a lot of time looking at alternatives and making decisions about our technology spend at United Capital. Often it comes down to a 'build or buy' decision — should we build a custom application that exactly suits our needs, or should we utilize off-the-shelf software and hope we get close enough?

'Tis the Season to Look Inward

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Where are you now? Where do you want to be? How will you get there? These are questions that financial advisors ask their clients all the time as part of the financial planning process. As the year winds down and we prepare to embark on a new year under a new president, now is a great time for advisors to apply these same queries to their own advisory practices.

5 Creative Ideas For Your Advisory Firm's Newsletter or Holiday Card

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Whether you’ve got your tree up and all your gifts wrapped or are freaking out that there are only 20 some days left until Christmas, there is no denying that the Holiday Season is officially here. On your long list of Holiday to-do’s is probably “send holiday cards” or “write holiday letter”.

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