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Slideshow How RIAs plan to spend in 2017

Added on January 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Planners say they expect to see increases in revenue and client assets in 2017, according to the latest TD Ameritrade Institutional RIA Sentiment Survey. Accordingly, they plan to rev up spending on marketing, business development and technologies such as electronic signatures, the survey revealed. Also in the works: initiatives like more networking to attract a new generation of clients.

Advisor Resolution 2017: Be Great at One Thing

Added on January 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: We’ve written a lot about New Year’s resolutions. We quoted Forbes with New Year’s Resolutions – Don’t Follow the 92% Rule and looked at PriceMetrix research in How 2016 Can Be the Year of the Advisory Business. My personal favorite was Advisors: What Are Your Anti-New Year’s Resolutions?, suggesting that since people don’t keep New Year’s resolutions, why not make ones that you won’t mind breaking – like not growing by referrals or not hosting a business-building event.

8 ways to protect your advisory firm from cyberattacks

Added on January 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Less than a third of advisers “completely agree” that they are 100% prepared to deal with the outcome of a data breach at their firm, according to a recent study conducted by the Financial Planning Association and sponsored by TD Ameritrade Institutional.

Ready for robo coaching, too?

Added on January 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisers are warming up to the idea of utilizing robo advice as a tool to help them serve more clients. The latest tech survey from Financial Planning found 19% of advisers it surveyed are using digital platforms now.

Cool tech for advisers to embrace in 2017

Added on January 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisory firms ready to invest in technology to improve the client’s experience will find lots to choose from in 2017. Thanks to new or improved gadgets, this year advisers should be ready to take these technologies for a spin. 

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