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Clients Want Immediate Response? How to Temper Expectations

Added on March 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: How and when advisors communicate with clients is constantly changing. The days of traditional emails and memos are numbered. Gone are the days when face-to-face meetings were the best way to stay in touch. Today, people require instant communication and texting has found its way to the forefront of human interaction—particularly in business. Now, we’re all digital all the time.

5 Cybersecurity Trends Dominating the Early 2017 Discourse

Added on March 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: In the past year, cybersecurity has truly broken through and become not just a boardroom issue but also a dinner table topic. From ransomware attacks to election tampering, we have been fed a steady diet of explosive front page stories that have shaken the public's sense of online security.

Seeking Help: How Not to Work With A Business Consultant

Added on March 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: These days, with the stock market rising to record levels while advisors face margin compression and increased competition from robo-advisors and breakaway brokers, more firm owners than ever are reaching out to business consultants for help. Yet in my experience, many of those firms won't get the help they need — or maximize the help they get — for one simple reason: Their owners aren't ready to work with a consultant.

Why advisers should update at least one tech system every year

Added on March 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisers need to be proactive about making technology changes if they want to keep up with the competition and take advantages of opportunities to improve the client experience.

An Advisor's Checklist for a Prosperous 2017

Added on March 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: With 2016 behind us, many advisors are pondering what they can improve for their clients and business in the year ahead. While thinking ambitiously is great, it is also important to set realistic goals. Here are a few broad concepts that, employed well, can better your firm for both clients and employees.

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