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Having The Wind At Your Back

Added on April 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Long-distance cycling has delivered many lessons that have contributed to me helping FAs run better businesses and live better lives.

Goal Setting Is a Mind Game

Added on March 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Goals that motivate, which are the only true goals, require a certain mindset. They must be both significant and have a heart and soul commitment. This requires a person to take the risk of failing at achieving something that’s very important to them. For a lot of people, this is extremely uncomfortable. As a result, if they do set goals, they are fairly easy to attain; there’s no real buy-in, and little, if anything changes.

Speaking From Experience: Advisor Coaches RIAs On Breaking Away

Added on March 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Paul Tinnirello has been an advisor and has been through the transition from a large firm to independence. Now he is coaching other transitioning advisors.

What "Wedding Crashers" and speed dating teach advisers about networking

Added on March 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: In my first year as an adviser, I looked past social media and the internet to tear through the networking circuit with reckless abandon. Night in and night out, I would attend networking functions, typically sponsored by a local chamber of commerce. Attendees would show up to mix and mingle, with the main goal of handing out and collecting as many business cards as possible.

Building the Business Your Clients Desire

Added on March 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Apple and Google, the world’s most valuable brands, attained their status by delivering products and services that their clients desire, rather than what they need. Prior to Apple’s launch of the iPod, for instance, the average consumer only dreamed of carrying his entire music library in his pocket. But now, we take for granted the ability to play virtually any song ever recorded on demand.

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