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Challenges of a Growing Practice: Managing Portfolios

Added on October 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summery: Client communication is an issue which is consistently at the top of client surveys. Maintaining regular communication with clients can also help foster trust and it tells them, "My advisor is looking out for me." And if you communicate based on your client segmentation, you’re giving your "A" clients "A" service.

Succession plans are new recruiting tool

Added on February 2012 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisory firms that lack a documented career development path may jeopardize their chances to recruit the best young talent, according to some industry experts. “The larger firms are getting better at institutionalizing the process of training and development, and can tell a candidate, "Here is what we will teach you and here is the career track at the three-, five-, and 10-year mark,'” said Michael Kitces, a principal with New Planner Recruiting LLC, which specializes in placing early-career planners. 

Financial Planning Education 101: 10 Standout Schools

Added on November 2011 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The article highlights 10 schools with undergraduated degrees, master's and Ph.D. programs as well as certificate programs in financial planning. The article includes an interesting progression of the financial planning degree and indicates that the future will hold a better defined career path for the financial planner. Advisors of the future are gravitating toward financial planning programs. Here are the schools on many student's short lists.

The Right Path

Added on July 2011 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The right path is for advisory firms to have a well defined career development program. To attract young planners, advisory firms need a clear career track with training and experience goals. 

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