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Advisers who specialize in a profession are invaluable

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial advisers have found that by focusing on professionals in a particular industry, they become specialists in what those professionals need in terms of financial planning — and learn to speak their language. Marketing, in turn, becomes much more targeted and effective 

Advisors Name New Year's Resolutions

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Increasing the number of referrals they receive from current clients is the No. 1 goal for 2014 for financial advisors, according to a survey by SEI released Monday. SEI, a global provider of asset management, investment processing and investment operations solutions for institutional and personal wealth management based in Oaks, Pa., found that 85 percent of advisors polled want to increase their referrals next year.

They'd Rather Spend than Save, But Gen Y Is Your Future

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: They’ve been called egotistic, impatient and self-entitled -- and they have a notoriously bad reputation when it comes to saving -- but advisors want them. While Generation Y controls a mere fraction of the country’s total net worth, its members are widely considered the future of financial planning.  As a result, advisors are paying particular attention these young adults.

Recruiting and Hiring: 7 Smart Tips for Advisors

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Looking to expand your team and boost performance? Executive search veterans Kathy Freeman Godfrey and Jeff Warren have a few suggestions for recruiting and hiring financial advisors At the recent Echelon Partners Deal Makers Summit in Santa Monica, Calif., the pair laid out a step-by-step game plan for advisors trying to bring on new talent. Here are seven of their suggestions.

You're the Boss

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Growing from a practice to a small business means hiring support staff. But for many financial advisors, moving into the role of employer and manager doesn’t come naturally. Here’s some tips.

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