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Teaching young advisers how to fish for new business

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Whether you're at a wirehouse or an RIA, teaching talented young advisers how to bring in business is an issue that must be addressed. The most important thing to remember, though, is that real change has to come from within, and will not happen overnight. But it will happen with a real commitment from both firm and adviser. And, with both the right training and right support, the talented young advisers of today will also become the rainmakers of tomorrow.

How financial advisers should focus their core values

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The most important stake that you'll drive into the ground in support of your company's foundation should be comprised of your core values. But what exactly are these core values, and when it comes to developing them, who precisely should they be created for?  Rather than thinking of them as a client-facing marketing tool, your core values should be almost entirely “inward-focused,” meaning they should be designed to reinforce the internal principles that promote ethical business practices and consistent professionalism throughout your firm.

New Year's Resolutions

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: As another year ends and a new one begins, it’s hard not to reflect on achievements and shortcomings—all the things that one has accomplished over the past year, and those we wish had been done before year-end.  This marker of time leads inevitably to “resolutions” for the year ahead.

Beyond New Year's Resolutions: Use Key Dates to Motivate Clients

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Across the globe, people from all walks of life will be making resolutions on New Year’s Eve, aiming, as they do every year, to have another stab at doing better in the areas they’ve lagged. For financial advisors, the end of one year and the beginning of another is an excellent time to get their clients to commit to making at least one sound financial decision.

2014: The Year of Professional Passion

Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Passion or goal commitment? Or maybe they are inextricably linked. Elite advisors, or top performers in any profession, set high goals for themselves because they are passionate about their work. These ambitious goals are challenging and force them to continually strive to improve; whether it’s in the operating room, the concert hall, Madison Square Garden, or the corner office—the professional passion of elite performers forces them into a perpetual growth mode. Here’s how you can challenge yourself in 2014.

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