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You have found your first CPA partner … Now what?

Added on March 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Now that you've made the decision to form a revenue-sharing relationship with an accountant, attorney, a P&C firm, or a bank/credit union professional partner, you are undoubtedly thinking about the first steps you should take in establishing this new relationship.

Don't Waste Time on Unfocused Marketing

Added on February 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Marketing is a necessity for financial advisors, no matter how big your brand is or how much you manage, according to Beverly Flaxington, a practice-management coach in Medfield, Mass. The reason? “Because everybody Googles,” says Flaxington. “Before anyone calls you, they do a search, and if you’re an advisor who’s not getting found in Google searches, if you don’t have a functional and updated website, if you’re not seen online being quoted in articles, then people will wonder what’s wrong with you.”

Cheaper Ways to Lure Young Advisors

Added on February 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisors grappling with hiring costs can take heart: Wooing and retaining young advisors goes beyond cash compensation, industry experts say. Younger workers are motivated by a variety of other factors, many of which require less upfront cash outlay. Consider including some of these benefits in your recruiting pitch.

5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Best People

Added on February 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: No matter how carefully you hire, inevitably your employees will differ in important ways. Some will be good-humored, intelligent, have a strong work ethic, and always be eager for new challenges. Others will be less so, or worse. You want to do everything you can to keep the first group, because they are critically important to the company's success. Here are five things you should do to retain your top performers.

Targeting CPAs for referrals requires careful approach

Added on February 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisers looking to build relationships with accounting professionals should take a deliberate approach and recognize that right now — as certified public accountants are gearing up for their busiest days of tax season — is probably not the ideal time to request a first meeting.

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