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Ric Edelman's Workday Strategies

Added on April 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The one part of your daily routine that is essential to having a productive workday? Good calendar management. I’m not referring to time management. By calendar management I mean having the next day fully mapped out, so the night before I can review the coming day and make sure I’m fully prepared for it: have I pre-read received materials, researched issues so I’m conversational, prepped for meetings I’ll be in, familiar with everyone I’ll be interacting with and resolved on the outcomes I’ll want obtained.

Advisor Pay Starts Low but Tops Out High

Added on March 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Pay for financial advisors may start out slow, but it picks up steam, to make it — at the height of one’s career — among the most lucrative jobs in the financial-service industry, says InvestmentNews.

How to Attract Wirehouse Advisors: 5 Tips

Added on March 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Recruiting a wirehouse advisor can be well worth the effort for growth-minded RIA firms -- but it's not easy, it takes time and you should expect a lot of false starts.

That's the message from Neal Simon, founder and chief executive of Highline Wealth Management, whose firm was the subject of a new case study for think tank and study group aRIA.

The secret to deepening relationships with top clients

Added on March 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: A few years ago, my firm invited some of our “A” clients to participate in a focus group. The objective was to determine whether we were delivering the proper solutions for them and their families. There was one aspect that these clients thought was unique, and we received rave reviews for it.

A Simple Way to Earn Client Loyalty

Added on March 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Mr. Hill wanted to know how this potential purchase fit in with their larger financial plan, so he met the couple at their home. He began the meeting by explaining that he typically takes an inventory of all of his clients' assets and liabilities to get a better sense of their whole financial picture--even if they're just inquiring about insurance. 

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